
"dance like no one is watching, sing like no one is listening, love like you've never been hurt before, and live like heaven is tomorrow"

Friday, March 11, 2011

my passion: to help increase awareness and to help end the cycle of child abuse

i made this poster last May in a course called world posters of persuasion. the assignment was to "choose a topic you are passionate about and design a persuasive poster". my whole life would have been different if one of the many people who thought something was wrong would have actually asked for help on my behalf!

if you or someone you know needs help call 1(800)4.A.CHILD or visit childwelfare.gov for information and guidance on how to get help and break the cycle of abuse.

feel free to copy it, print it, and post it!!!!


from http://www.vistaprint.com/ i design business cards, bumperstickers, t-shirts, post cards, pens, etc.... they are WONDERFUL and will give you free stuff to get you started, too!

the last one i put on a pen.

i order at vistaprint almost every year and they are so generous to print some free things along with my order every year. feel free to borrow the ideas... the more voices out there the better!!!


})i({ coral


  1. Coral,

    It's a wonderful poster. It should be plastered all around the country.

    Thank you for using your gifts for such a worthy message and cause.


  2. ty Pamela :O) happy to see you visiting and your comment made my day!

    i hope to do something in my community for National Child Abuse Awareness month (April)... i haven't thot of anything for this year yet, but i have been doing something annually for about 5 yrs now.PA is not involved in the event, but i have personally invested my own energy to change that in my own community... i have held a table at the fair, put up an interactive 3-d display at a library, given speaches in my college courses (not for credit), and delivered and presented materials at my local school district.

    does anyone do anything to promote this event in your neck of the woods?

    take care.

  3. Hi Coral~

    I remembered that you did something every year. I think I might have posted one year that our old community had put up a gazillion pinwheels in front of the courthouse. it was a striking display.

    We just moved to a new town in January, so I'm not sure if there is anything here promoting it or not yet.

    I have a friend who works at the library here. I can ask her if they do anything. Where do you get your materials to hand out/display?

    Do you have my email address? I'd love to email you, if that would be okay.


  4. Coral~

    I thought I posted a reply to this yesterday, but I must have done something wrong because it's gone. : (

    I do remember that you did something each year. That is wonderful! One year, our old community had put out pinwheels at the courthouse. It was a really eye-catching display.

    We recently moved, so I don't know if they do anything here or not. Where do you get your materials to give out/display? Do you make them yourself?

    I may inquire at our library to see if I could do a display or something in their lobby.

    Do you have my email address? I'd love to email you and get more info about what I could do on my end.

    I do hope this post sticks this time.


  5. hi Pamela,

    i can be reached by e-mail at speakup4children@yahoo.com . i get my pamphlets and info for free (including postage) at:


    and for specific use click these topics (add choices to your cart and when you are done check out. they will send all you want for free!!!!):


    i get a box almost every year! it is amazing material... the booklets have removable, printable handouts on prevention info like bonding with your child, talking to your teen, etc.

    i also recomend the statistics info if you want to get your information correct to educate others.

    the site also has lots of links that will lead you to info like about the national and local definitions and laws.

    and finaly... ha! i go to www.vistaprint.com and design 'business cards' and etc. with info about how to get help. (i'll post examples to this topic above)

  6. Pam, i found your post in my spam folder?... i made it post :O) thanks for the encouraging words, and i am happy you are going to look into doing something in your community. that is awesome!!!

    tiki, my friend... i moved your posts to my spam file simply b/c your name was attached to your isurvive name and i wasn't sure you would like that since i have isurvive friends here as well... let me know if you don't mind and i will repost them for you and me :O)

    so, tiki, i was so happy to see you here and your words, as always, my friend, are so uplifting :O) hearing that you are getting involved in shaking up your community is both not a new thing for me (ha!) and fantastic! i too, am stoked to get something done come April.

    *hugs* to you both,

    })i({ coral

  7. oh, and tiki, yeah i put battery powered tiny twinkle lights in the book, first wiring them under the black paper and then gluing the paper into the book. everyone loves that page and wants a battery pack on their books, too! ha!
