
"dance like no one is watching, sing like no one is listening, love like you've never been hurt before, and live like heaven is tomorrow"

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

reconstructed book: O is for OPEN

each level has a few words that indicates things in our lives that make the 'climb' easier like best friends, unforgetable laughter, and a sweet smile...

i found some deeper meaning to this project as i was completing it and i think it was b/c i felt a bit more free to just let it happen. the helpful things on each level seem to shrink the depth of the climb... which is much like the way the paper ladder shrinks back down into the book.

and this O i put on the inside of the 'door' style flap is just for fun:
i love random clip-art!

Monday, March 21, 2011

reconstructing books cont. letter K is for Kaleidoscope

so Kaleidoscopes being one of my all time favorite things... i own several really nice ones... i had to figure out how to put one in a book! I connected three strips of plastic craft mirror (hand cut from a larger sheet) using scotch tape (make sure to leave a tiny space between strips for folding up).  i adapted a pouch from heavy plastic packaging (ain't recycling grand when your scrapping?!) and filled it with a few beads and star sequins. and the rest i believe you can figure out...

i really like the results and wish i could keep the page... but, i can always make another one just for me, right?

hope you have a few sparkles in your day, too :O)

})i({ coral

Friday, March 11, 2011

my passion: to help increase awareness and to help end the cycle of child abuse

i made this poster last May in a course called world posters of persuasion. the assignment was to "choose a topic you are passionate about and design a persuasive poster". my whole life would have been different if one of the many people who thought something was wrong would have actually asked for help on my behalf!

if you or someone you know needs help call 1(800)4.A.CHILD or visit childwelfare.gov for information and guidance on how to get help and break the cycle of abuse.

feel free to copy it, print it, and post it!!!!


from http://www.vistaprint.com/ i design business cards, bumperstickers, t-shirts, post cards, pens, etc.... they are WONDERFUL and will give you free stuff to get you started, too!

the last one i put on a pen.

i order at vistaprint almost every year and they are so generous to print some free things along with my order every year. feel free to borrow the ideas... the more voices out there the better!!!


})i({ coral

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

hello, my friends, old and new

i am making this special post to welcome anyone who may be wanting to keep in touch with me :O) i welcome you here and i promise to respond to you if you leave me a comment... perhaps this will lead to a stronger friendship from there.

i am working hard in school right now to become a counselor and should be graduating in two years. i so want to give back what has been given to me... and so i offer this post as a beginning to encourage others to express their own journeys in any way that seems right for each one to do so. we all have words... but i believe it takes two to be given a voice... one to speak and one to listen.

i am offering my words and ask to be given the gift of my voice by being heard.

in turn i will also do the same for you, i am always open and accepting of any one's voice... honest, i will hear you and accept you as you are.

be welcome here... stay a while and take what you wish from here when you go... leave me a note if you like...

this is a picture that i took right off of my front porch in pennsylvania!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

reconstructed book pages

the assignment is ongoing, each week we take a different class mate's book home and we make a new page in it. each of us were given a randomly drawn letter and number and these stay with our books as the theme. these books are made using any book we chose to have deconstructed. so here are the pages i have made in other student's books so far.

i am really enjoying this project!