
"dance like no one is watching, sing like no one is listening, love like you've never been hurt before, and live like heaven is tomorrow"

Friday, July 1, 2011

poster of pursuation- child abuse prevention mingled w/ a bit of my story

well,  most of the hits on my blog have been in search of child abuse info so i decided to bite the bullet and post my most persuasive child abuse prevention work... yes, it is about me, and that is a picture of me a long long time ago.

if you save it or print it and post it... PLEASE let me know... it is a personal gift i am offering and i would really like to know that it is being used in a positive way.

if you are looking for help be sure to click on the poster and read the fine print at the bottom of the page. i hope this poster makes people think... about not abusing and getting help instead... and about surviving despite their own family history, to become a healthy, happy, thriving individual.  it is hard work... but it is so worth while.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

maymester course at Chatham taught by professional artist, Pat Lasch

Pat Lasch instructed by demonstration
(though this is not me, this is the process i went through, see previous post)

a mask i made of a fellow student

a casting made by using the skin mask as a mold

the process of making the casting of my face utilized plaster strips dipped in fairly fluid plaster we hand mixed and then layering strips on face very liberally. special care was taken to seal the eyes with vaseline (plaster will burn the eye) and to coat the face and hairline with a smooth layer of vaseline as well (this allows for easier release without removing/pulling hair out). it is obviously imperative to leave the nose open for breathing!

this skin mask that Professor Pat was making, as pictured above,can be used as a mold. you can do this by  carefully sealing the nose holes with soft clay (you can also fill any air pockets created when making the skin mask for a smoother casting) the inside of the skin mask is then coated with murphy's oil soap by dipping a wet paint brush and lathering it onto the inside of the mask. plaster is then mixed (note: the warmer the water used when mixing plaster the faster the plaster will set) and the plaster was poured into the mask in graduating layers as the plaster thickened; the plaster is continuously monitored and coaxed into filling the mask without running out. (add a bent paperclip for a hanger before it is set-up). once set-up the mask is left over night to dry completely and then the skin mask is pulled away from the plaster. the skin mold will only be good for one "perfect" casting but you can use it more for "warped" castings if desired.

Any flaws in the casting can be corrected by using spackling compound, thinned with water and painted on, applied thick, or you may use the light weight kind. this process can also be used to smooth the casting out to very smooth surface by very fine sanding of the dried spackled piece.

pictured above is the raw cast of my own face as it was taken right out of the skin mask. the brown is from the soft clay that i used to fill the little air pockets in the skin mask.

This mask was the original mask that Pat Lasch made of my face. I used more plaster strips and a twig (as instructed) to add texture and then i chose to paint the dried mask with craft acrylic paints.

hand sculpture of three separate parts of the face (other student's modeled for the ear and eye and i sculpted my own mouth by looking in a mirror)

we used pottery clay to create the separate parts of the face. it was interesting to learn (by repetitive instruction and guidance) to see the face as it really is not as we perceive it to be... take a moment and really look close at the eyes, mouth, and ears of people you meet today... notice how very different the 'construction' of these parts are and how they vary in size, color and shape from what you expect them to be. then try to create what you have learned... it really is very enlightening!

these projects were fun and i really learned a lot about the process' and form.  i also personally connected with my art with ease. i believe that a workshop on plaster casting and/or self-sculpture would be very appropriate and helpful in an art therapy setting.  

hope all is well with my visitors! leave me a note and/or a link to your work  :O)

})i({ coral

Friday, April 29, 2011

the cocoon })i({

"so i went to class a few minutes late... (rush hour... grrrr) and just as i was walking in my instructor (who i had met the day b4) was talking about me, she remembered my name correctly (bonus points for her!) and so i was set in the midst of them and she proceeded to teach them how to plaster cast a face (my face :O) )
it began with her smothering my face and bordering hair with Vaseline... she sang a bit of the ditty, "getting to know you, getting to know all about you..." as she did this... her voice and the experience all together lulled me into a pleasant place... it was oddly comforting to be behind the coolness and closeness of the mask... it fit my face perfectly... i could feel her pressing the cool plaster strips along all the nuances of my face.... i coulda' actually fallen asleep!

i think that having taken two instructional courses on Art Therapy has made me more in tune with the inner connections i make with so many differing parts of my life, most esp art... and the plaster casting reminded me of the hidden nature of the cocoon... one of the steps in the 'butterfly' symbology i have chosen to illustrate my own journey. my professor also mentioned the butterfly today in reference to the plaster setting once and only once; much to think on about that... so in that "cocoon" i felt safe and she was so gentle and the plaster was so inviting... it felt kinda like i had been safely tucked into that cocoon... and then she said... "...while we wait for coral to emerge again".... this was such an amazing connection for me... kind of a physical expression of my healing journey i have been on."

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

shadow, my new puppet

this is shadow, my puppet. I made her using a black and a grey handkerchief, the black was wrapped around wadded (in a ball) plastic shopping bags and secured with a tied bow.then i 'dressed her with the grey handkerchief. her white hair is a mini feather boa i secured with hot glue. i used sticky craft foam sheeting to make her hands that are connected to rods for puppetry and she has a rod into her head from underneath also. I hung two items under her clothes; one is a heart shaped chalk board that i wrote "i am afraid of the dark" as shadow's secret (this secret can be changed as needed), and she has a clear little bucket to keep other's secrets in. I created shadow for my art tx course but i wanted to make a puppet i could use someday in my counseling practice. Shadow is a very good secret keeper.

i hope you like her
lovingly, coral

Saturday, April 23, 2011

W is for web

can you believe i hate spiders?
but some how doing this page made me feel control over my fears...
i included all the creepiest characteristics that i hate the most!

Monday, April 18, 2011

so DID something today about national child abuse awareness month

so last night i took the chance and e-mailed the dean in charge of approving the posters put up on Chatham's 75 bulletin boards... i edited the poster i made to say 'WE' instead of 'YOU' and i sent it to her with the request to have these posters posted across campus.

this morning i got an e-mail saying to drop them by in the office... so i had them printed (in color :O) ) and i dropped them off... they should be up wednesday and i am so happy it will be!

i am attaching the altered poster in case you want it... and if any of you have posted one i would love a picture of it in use :O)

take care... more art pictures to be posted soon.
BTW i got accepted into grad school today! i am psyched! exhausted but psyched!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

reconstructed book: I is for illusion

so i made interactive pieces... every other strip of the black and white
design slide up to spell out illusion and to demonstrate how our eyes can fool us even while we watch it happening! and the card on the left has been recycled to spin the disks.
(i made a movie of the action but i can't download it)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

reconstructed book: O is for OPEN

each level has a few words that indicates things in our lives that make the 'climb' easier like best friends, unforgetable laughter, and a sweet smile...

i found some deeper meaning to this project as i was completing it and i think it was b/c i felt a bit more free to just let it happen. the helpful things on each level seem to shrink the depth of the climb... which is much like the way the paper ladder shrinks back down into the book.

and this O i put on the inside of the 'door' style flap is just for fun:
i love random clip-art!

Monday, March 21, 2011

reconstructing books cont. letter K is for Kaleidoscope

so Kaleidoscopes being one of my all time favorite things... i own several really nice ones... i had to figure out how to put one in a book! I connected three strips of plastic craft mirror (hand cut from a larger sheet) using scotch tape (make sure to leave a tiny space between strips for folding up).  i adapted a pouch from heavy plastic packaging (ain't recycling grand when your scrapping?!) and filled it with a few beads and star sequins. and the rest i believe you can figure out...

i really like the results and wish i could keep the page... but, i can always make another one just for me, right?

hope you have a few sparkles in your day, too :O)

})i({ coral

Friday, March 11, 2011

my passion: to help increase awareness and to help end the cycle of child abuse

i made this poster last May in a course called world posters of persuasion. the assignment was to "choose a topic you are passionate about and design a persuasive poster". my whole life would have been different if one of the many people who thought something was wrong would have actually asked for help on my behalf!

if you or someone you know needs help call 1(800)4.A.CHILD or visit childwelfare.gov for information and guidance on how to get help and break the cycle of abuse.

feel free to copy it, print it, and post it!!!!


from http://www.vistaprint.com/ i design business cards, bumperstickers, t-shirts, post cards, pens, etc.... they are WONDERFUL and will give you free stuff to get you started, too!

the last one i put on a pen.

i order at vistaprint almost every year and they are so generous to print some free things along with my order every year. feel free to borrow the ideas... the more voices out there the better!!!


})i({ coral

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

hello, my friends, old and new

i am making this special post to welcome anyone who may be wanting to keep in touch with me :O) i welcome you here and i promise to respond to you if you leave me a comment... perhaps this will lead to a stronger friendship from there.

i am working hard in school right now to become a counselor and should be graduating in two years. i so want to give back what has been given to me... and so i offer this post as a beginning to encourage others to express their own journeys in any way that seems right for each one to do so. we all have words... but i believe it takes two to be given a voice... one to speak and one to listen.

i am offering my words and ask to be given the gift of my voice by being heard.

in turn i will also do the same for you, i am always open and accepting of any one's voice... honest, i will hear you and accept you as you are.

be welcome here... stay a while and take what you wish from here when you go... leave me a note if you like...

this is a picture that i took right off of my front porch in pennsylvania!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

reconstructed book pages

the assignment is ongoing, each week we take a different class mate's book home and we make a new page in it. each of us were given a randomly drawn letter and number and these stay with our books as the theme. these books are made using any book we chose to have deconstructed. so here are the pages i have made in other student's books so far.

i am really enjoying this project!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

the assignment was to "make a spirit doll"

i was given this assignment w/o any explanation as to what was meant by "spirit doll" so this is purely my own idea... even how the doll was made was my own invention. she is made from a large white linen handkerchief and her clothes are ribbons of carefully chosen material i tore by hand into long strips. she is tied with ribbons, and her hair is made of gold curling ribbon.

her name is abigail lynne... she is made of symbolic materials of my own choosing... each piece of fabric and bead means something personal. i gave her white butterfly wings and a magical talisman that rings out for dreams, hope and laughter.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"layers" ~ a nod to my light

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven" Matthew 5:16 KJV

"each step i take just leads me closer home" W. Elmo Marcer

so... i begin another blog... others lost to me... somewhere in the greater net i am sure they still dangle for the asking.

i plan to utilize this space with outpourings of my artistic self, a deliberate excavation of sorts... i am excited!
i do this for my own pleasure... but if anyone should find their way to my page... by wish or whimsy... then you are welcome to sit a spell in quiet contemplation, to leave a note, or not... as you wish.... i hope you find my art inspiring in some way.
